So here's your chance to win some fabulous rugs and carpets that are hand woven by skilled craftsmen and designed by international designers!All you have to do is come up with a great tag line for the carpet below, if we love it the carpet is all yours
Send us your entry in an email to info.rajoverseas@gmail.com. Don't forget to send us your contact details:
Name, email, phone number, postal address and of course the 'tag line'.
Entries will only be accepted on the following conditions:
a) Each entry can only consist of one tagline
b) All entries must send in their complete details via email to info.rajoverseas@gmail.com
c) All entrants must be friends with us on Face book (Creo Spharia) and follow us on Twitter, (@creativsphere)
d) In case the winner is based in India, the carpet will be delivered free of cost, in case the winner is based outside India, delivery charges will be applicable.
This contest is open to everyone across the world, so mail away!!
Contest details:
Entries open: 14th June 2011
Contest closes: 10th Jul 2011
Winners will be announced shortly!